The "Intel the Journey Inside the Computer" was an educational kit given out to high schools from 1994 to 1998,
its intent was to teach kits about computers and how they work. There were 3 editions of the kit released in 1994,
1996, and the third edition in 1998. I got this kit unopened for a good price, so I decided to digitize the contents
of the kit so the internet could see. A cool part of these kits were the genuine intel 6" silicon wafer and 2 real
pentium dies that were included. These kits are the only way to get real unpackaged intel silicon
I photocopied / photographed the contents of the kit mid 2022, Keep in mind that ip / copyright for these documents
is owned by intel. Also, the teachers guide will take a long time to download it is 150MB (and my website is slow).
The pdfs can be found here.
Here are some videos on my YouTube channel about this kit:
Full Kit Overview
3rd Edition Student VHS Tape
3rd Edition Teacher VHS Tape (FYI not that interesting)
Chip Kit only review (Not as great as the full review)
Some more interesting information about these kits:
A video by NostalgiaNerd showing this kit
Summary / History of these kits
Displays that I made with the components of this kit
The poster that comes with the box: